We are making big changes to help you better run your sales organization! Our focus is around customization, giving you the opportunity to change Gamifier to perfectly match the way your organization runs.
Leaderboard Updates

The leaderboard is getting an update. We know how important it is to recognize the reps bringing in the most revenue and value to an organization. Your leadership now does that by default.
The change will now rank reps on the leaderboard by deals closed. This allows for Sally to be recognized as the top performer for her 20 closed deals when previously John may have been for his 15 closed deals but his points outranked Sally because he moved more deals from stage 1 to stage 2.
Of course, because our theme is customization, you’re welcome to chain these settings as you see fit for your organization.
New XP Levels

A new XP point system is hitting Gamifier with 20 total levels (maxing out at 100,000 XP points). Your team will be hard at work to move up the ranking system, creating more value for the organization and more recognition for themselves.
We’ve also changed how the point system is awarded, weighted XP to actions more important to the growth of the organization. Some examples are:
- A high relevance action like “add a new business opportunity already increased on the pipeline” is worth 10 XP,
- A medium relevance action like “add activities” is worth 5,
- A low relevance action like “add notes to deal” is worth 1.
Custom Rules
Making sure we follow through on our theme to customize Gamifier, we now allow you to customize rules. This can be done by turning rules on or off, or custom excel scripts for the savvy users.

Additional Feature Updates
And we haven’t stopped here! We have a few more feature updates to help you get the most out of Gamifier and your team.
- An improved feedback engine to recognize good behavior and curb unwanted behavior. We want to help you help your team, and automated feedback is just the beginning.
- You can now offer gold (not real gold) as rewards for challenges and quests, giving you more flexibility to reward your team.
- Schedule recurring challenges and quests.
- Dedicated place to configure the productivity indicators for your organization.
We hope you love these new features.
As always, feel free to email us with any feature upgrade requests. We are here the make Gamifier the best for you and we want your feedback.
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