Gamifier has been created to increase productivity in the sales operation while facilitating the development of an engaging and motivating work environment.
Our first bet was to use the gamification to motivate and engage sellers on the best practices of the Pipedrive sales process (our first connector).
We know that to reach our goal we need to go beyond gamification, we need to show the sales teams how is their productivity currently, what are the improvement points, where is the process funnel and where are the successes.
After a period of our operation and upgrades in gamification, we realize that productivity is not always clear to the sales area, that some organizations do not analyze their indicators and others analyze many of them, getting lost in a sea of information.
We felt that we needed to gather the indicators that were dispersed, compare the target with the accomplished, bring out the productivity of the sales process, using the data available in Pipedrive.
A new functionality of Gamifier: Productivity Diagnostics
In this functionality we will analyze the productivity of your sales process in Pipedrive through 3 perspectives: Speed, Quality and Dependability.
In each of the perspectives you will inform the targets of some of your sales indicators, Gamifier will analyze your Pipedrive account data to compare your target with your performance and generate a visual report showing how close or distant your team is of the target.
The calculation of the indicators in the diagnosis results in a productivity score, this will be the productivity indicator of your sales process. The closer to the target, the higher the productivity score.

Customized gamification: rewards calibrated according to their indicators
When we’re designing the gamification our main concern is that the rules join fun with a positive impact on the sales indicators.
To make the impact even greater, in this update we get rid of the concept of templates and we use now the indicators reported in the Productivity Diagnostics to calibrate the rewards (Points, XP, Level and Badges) of your gamification.
So each gamification will be unique, the amount of rewards will vary according to your indicators. When you change the targets in Gamifier the amount of rewards will also change.
For example, the “What a sale” badge, which is a reward generated when the seller makes a good sale in the question value, will use the “Purchase Value Average” indicator as a parameter, so when a seller makes a sale, 30% and 40% greater than the indicated in the purchase value, will receive this badge.
More relevant posts and notifications!
We want to increase your productivity and not to distract you. That’s why we’ve grouped notifications and made the app timeline cleaner by providing feedback and sharing only the most relevant achievements.
And all this with a more friendly design
This innovation deserves a new face. Through a change in the palette of colors of the brand, we achieve a more relaxed tone and a more modern footprint, creating a look that will bring even more stimulating sales teams on the platform.

These updates are just the first in a series of innovations that we’re developing. We can’t wait to tell you everything that is coming!
We’re serious when we say that we’re going to improve the productivity of your sales operation together with a more motivating work environment.
If you are already a customer make the productivity diagnosis and gamification will update in real time.
[…] a reporting tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays sales indicators considering those 3 productivity perspectives: speed, quality, and dependability. All this created to generate opportunities for smart […]